
Friday, February 7, 2020

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In the recent times many people are facing the gas problem or stomach upset problem. The main reason for the gas problem is the change in life style. The people are busy in their work and not able to balance the work-life. Due to the modern work culture, people are not having their food on time.This is the main reason for the gas problem.Now let us see the various reason and home remedies for the gas problem.

The acid from the stomach that moves to the food pipe results in the reflux problem. It is caused by intake of  air while drinking or eating during the incomplete breakdown of the unprocessed food.

gas problem, stomach pain gas, excessive gas, heart burn, home remedies for stomach upset

 Causes or Reasons for the Gas Problem

We will see the major causes for the gas problem. The main reasons are
  • Improper lifestyle
  • Smoking
  • Stressful life
  • Eating too fast and too much
  • Improper Sleeping habits
  • Excessive use of electronic gadgets
  • Overtake of food at night time
  • Not having food on time
  • No proper eating habits
  • Intake of carbonated drinks, alcohols
  • Intake of fried and junk foods

Symptoms or Signs of the gas problem 

The symptoms of the gas problem are listed below.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Chest pain
  • Bloating
  • Burping
  • Flatus
  • Fullness feeling in abdomen
  • Heart Burn
  • Tongue Soreness
  • Digestion problem
  • Bowel movement problem
  • Reflux problem

Home Remedies for the Gastric Problem

The gastric problem is now common for most of the people.The lifestyle modification is the main reason for this problem.People are not sleeping and having food on time.The excessive intake of the junk foods and no proper diet results in this problem.Now let see the home remedies for the gas problem.

1.Cumin and Ajwain Drink

In Tamil Nadu, the cumin and ajwain drink is used to treat the gas problem. People have this drink for a instant gas relief. The jeera(cumin) is used for the indigestion problem.In India most people love the cumin flavor in their dishes. The cumin seed is added in all their dishes. The cumin is the antioxidant. The cumin seed is highly rich in magnesium, iron, calcium.The health benefits of cumin (jeera) are cure piles, regulates digestion, increase lactation , cures insomnia and prevents anemia.
The ajwain (carom) seeds helps in the digestive aliments. The ajwain seeds cures the abdominal issues arising out of the indigestion.

How to make cumin and carom drink


Cumin seeds - 1/2tpsp
Carom(Ajwain) seeds - 1tbsp
Water - 400 ml

Steps to prepare the drink

  • Boil the 400ml of water
  • Add the cumin and ajwain seeds in the boiling water
  • Boil the content until it reduce to half (200 ml)
  • Filter the content and drink the water
It give the instant relief to the gas problem. It also helps in urinary infection problem

2.Garlic and Pepper 

The garlic is used to treat the variety of medical problem. The garlic is rich in manganese, vitamin B6, fiber, vitamin C and potassium. It boosts the function of the immune system. It helps in indigestion problem. The pepper is used to treat the upset stomach. It is rich in antioxidant and has the anti-inflammatory properties.

How to make Garlic and Pepper drink


Garlic - 10 pods
Pepper - 1/2 tbsp
Water - 350 ml

Steps to prepare the drink

  • Boil the 350 ml of water
  • Add the garlic pods and crushed pepper in the boiling water
  • Boil the mix until the garlic gets cooked
  • Filter the content and eat the boiled garlic


The ginger is beneficial for breaking up the stomach gas. It is also used to treat various stomach problem.It can be used as fresh or dried powder in the dishes.The ginger helps to  treat the indigestion problem. It helps to reduce the stomach discomfort.

How to make Ginger drink


Ginger - 1/2 inch
Water - 250 ml

Steps to prepare the drink

  • Boil the 250 ml of water
  • Peel the ginger skin and grate it
  • Add the grated ginger in the boiling water
  • Boil the mix until it reduce to half
  • Filter the content and drink the ginger water

These are some home remedies to treat the gas problems.It helps to reduce the indigestion problem, heart burn, burping ,flatus and stomach upset.

Few Steps to control Gastric Problem

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Take small meal frequently
  • Avoid the foods that trigger gas
  • Reduce the intake of high fat content food
  • Drink plenty of water and fresh juices
  • Chew the food and eat slowly
  • Take the food on time
  • Avoid overtake of food at night time
  • Maintain a proper diet
  • Do the physical exercise

Final Note

I hope this article gives you a better idea about gas problem and its home remedies.'Beyond the School Time' is always and forever to assist you in education, parenting and fitness.In case you have queries on the above topic, please comment below.

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1 Comment:

Unknown delete March 14, 2020 at 8:56 PM

Now a days many people having the gadtric trouble...it gives a clear idea on this problem.hone remedies would be helpful..thank you..keep posting more



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