
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

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What is Postpartum Depression?

When your due date is nearby, you are excited to welcome your little one. You would have been busy purchasing the stuff for the newborn and for you. Most of the new moms might not be aware of Postpartum depression until their post-pregnancy. Our hormones play a major role during and after pregnancy. It is known as pregnancy hormones and Postpartum hormones, respectively.

postpartum depression
How to handle the Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a result of hormonal changes in your body. It is a disorder that affects moms after their delivery. As a new mother, you do not know how to handle Postpartum depression. Each mother undergoes this phase during the postpartum period. Some women realize it while other do not able to identify it. The symptoms of PPD are crying for no reason, overthinking, sadness, anxiety, overeating, loss of appetite, insomnia problem.

Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

The PPD symptoms can be classified as emotional symptoms, Physical symptoms, Behavioral symptoms, and an extreme level of PPD is Postpartum Psychosis. It is the worst part of the PPD. It is rare but extremely dangerous and serious symptoms. I have seen the mom who underwent Postpartum Psychosis and went to suicide. The Postpartum Psychosis must be treated with the help of a therapist.

The process of learning to be a new mom to take care of your newborn, irregular sleep patterns and so on. It is about changing your whole life patterns your lifestyle, your daily schedule, your priority, and your food habits.

The main reason for postpartum depression is mainly the hormone changes in your body. The other reason is Sleep Deprivation. You need to latch the baby throughout the night, so you do not get the proper sleep at night. Some babies are more active at night, so it disturbs your sleep. It is also one of the main reasons for depression.

A newborn’s routine is not fixed. It disturbs the mother’s daily routine. The lack of sleep, exclusive breastfeeding, continuous cries of the baby make the changes in mother’s behavior Each mom experiences a different degree of PPD. Some women undergo mild depression while other experience extreme depression. The symptoms of Postpartum Depression is

·      Lack of Sleep

·      Constant worry about baby’s health

·      Crying for no reason

·      Irregular appetite pattern

·      Anxiety

·      Feeling numb

·      Not willing to involve in social activities

·      Yelling at others for no reason

·      Feeling Upset

·      Hating yourself

·      Tiredness

·      Extreme mood swings

·      Overthinking about the future

·      Getting irritated for simple thing

·      Over expectations from people around you

·      Feeling lonely


How to overcome the Postpartum Depression

I did experience Postpartum Depression and anxiety. It was hard and difficult to handle. I am a mother of two children. Each pregnancy and each baby are different. I faced baby blues symptoms like tiredness, lack of sleep for first 2 weeks in my first pregnancy. I also did not have any health-related issues during my first pregnancy.

 But my second pregnancy is completely different. I faced many health complications from the first trimester of pregnancy. I had high TSH levels, excess amniotic fluid, and vaginal infection. I had a severe fever and heavy uncontrolled bleeding immediately after my delivery. My body becomes weaker in my second delivery.

I did not realize the PPD until I share my emotions with my friends. I started hating myself. I did not involve in social and family activities. I started to cry for a little thing. I started to yell at my elder one and my relatives. It is such a hard phase of my life.

If you are going through this right now, I know how it feels. I have free from anxiety and depression due to my change in daily routine. I will share with you how I had overcome my depression phase.

1. Talk about your feelings to others

The mistakes which all the new moms do are they do not share their feeling with others. It is good to talk about your feelings or anxiety with your partner or to your mom or to your friends or family. Talk to one who really understands your feeling and helps you to come out of this phase.

If you feel that you have nobody to share your feelings, then talk to the god or talk to nature. It heals you better.

2. Take a frequent nap

You might face irregular sleep patterns. As the newborn does not fix timings in their sleep it affects the mothers’ nap time. It is advisable to take a nap whenever your little one sleeps. The frequent naps make you feel active throughout the day.

3. Pamper Yourself

You need to have a me-me time. You must pamper yourself. Pampering is one of the best ways to relax. Trust me, you will feel better after pampering.

4. Learn a skill or hobby

You can learn a new skill to keep yourself occupied. You can do your most favorite things which you love to do. You can read a book by your favorite author, do craftwork, listen to music, dance, and so on. Choose a hobby that gives you happiness and mind relaxation.

5. Ask for help

Do not stress yourself by extra work. It is good to outsource some works to your partner or family. If you are not able to balance work and your family, it is better to have a nanny to lessen your burden. It is nothing wrong to keep a nanny to take care of the baby.  Do not hesitate to get help from others.

6. Go out and relax

Do not lock yourself inside the four walls. Go for a walk, take in a fresh breath, and admire the nature around you. It helps you to overcome depression. You can also ask your partner to take the baby out for a walk. You can relax alone at your home.


It is personal experience. I did Yoga and meditation daily to free myself from stress and anxiety. It really helps me a lot in those tough phases.

8.Consult with therapist

It is advisable to seek medical advice from the therapist if you are not able to come out of the depression. The therapist will identify your problem and helps you to come out of the depression.

9. Stop Regretting

Do not feel guilt for everything. You are a super mom. All the mom like you feels that they are not a good mom at some point. But it is not true. You are the imperfectly perfect best mother for your baby.





Final Note

If you are going through this tough phase, do not worry my dear fellow mom you will surely come out of the depression soon. A simple thumb rule is that do the things which keep you happy and do not stress yourself with extra work. Instead of facing it alone, share your feeling with your close ones. You are a beautiful and happy mom. 'Momovators'  is all bout health, fitness, education, baby care, mental health, and pregnancy.




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