
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

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Teaching numbers to kindergarten

Do you find it difficult to teach the numbers from 1 to 10 to your child? It is important to teach the counting and number concepts to preschoolers or kindergarten children. Everything around us is a representation of numbers. 

You can teach the 1 to 10 numbers to the child in a fun and interactive way. The children love to learn in a play-way method. The fun games and the rhymes help in learning the number very soon. Learning the numbers helps the little one in their day-to-day activities. Read on some tips to teach the numbers to kindergarten.


how to teach numbers 1 to 10, how to teach numbers 1 to 10 for kindergarten, number recognition games for kids @momovators

Tips to teach numbers 1 to 10 to kids

The early learners will learn new things easily if their books have colorful pictures. Here are some tips to teach the number to kindergarten.

  • Flashcards  - Flashcards are the best for preschoolers. You can teach the numbers using the number flashcards. Buy colorful and attractive flash cards.

  • Rhymes - You can teach the numbers by singing a song. The number rhymes help to learn the numbers fast and in a sequence. The rhymes such as 10 little monkeys jumping on the bed, 5 little ducks, finger counting songs, and so on.

  • Story - You can do number teaching by telling a fun story. Create a story of your child’s favorite toys or superheroes and teach the numbers counting through it. For example, There were 5 teddy bears in the town. 4 of them went to the mall. The 3 bears ate ice-creams, 2 went to cinemas, and 1 left to home.

  •  Incorporate in regular teaching - The teaching numbers would be easy when you incorporate them into your regular teaching. When you teach the body parts, you can teach as “2 eyes,1 nose, 2 ears, 10 fingers”. You can count the fingers from1 to 10 and teach the numbers. When you teach the shapes, you can draw multiple shapes of the same type and ask them to count them. You can also teach the numbers by counting the sides of the shapes. 

  • Incorporate in daily activities - It is a very effective method to teach numbers to the kids. You can ask the child to get the vegetables and tell them to count them and give them to you. You can ask them to count their coloring pencils or crayons. You can also use the blocks and Lego toys for teaching numbers to kids. So, introduce the number counting in all their daily activities. 

  • Play Dough - You can teach the numbers to the kindergarten using the playdough. You can use the homemade or store-bought play-dough. Make a small ball using playdough and arrange it in ascending order such as 1 small dough, 2 small dough, and so on. Now tell the children to count it. It is one of the fun ways to learn numbers.

  • Stair Case counting - You can teach the numbers when your child climbs up and down the satirs. The staircase counting method also helps to teach backward counting.


5 fun games for teaching number recognition to preschoolers


The child needs to identify and recognize the numbers while they are learning the numbers. There are many methods or games to recognize numbers. The child can recognize the numbers following the below number games:

·     Identify and Color the numbers

how to teach numbers 1 to 10, how to teach numbers 1 to 10 for kindergarten, number recognition games for kids @momovators

Teach a number in the paper for 3 to 5 days. For example: if you are teaching number 2, prepare a worksheet that has the number 2 mixed up with another number. Tell the child to identify the number 2 and color it. You can download the number hunt worksheets for this number learning game.

·     Count and Match

how to teach numbers 1 to 10, count and match number, how to teach numbers 1 to 10 for kindergarten, number recognition games for kids @momovators

The count and match games help to identify the number and its sequence.

·      UNO Cards / Playing cards

      You can teach number recognition to the children using the cards. You can use the cards and dice for this method. Ask the child to take the cards of the number with that of the rolled dice number.

·       Puzzles

how to teach numbers 1 to 10, count and match number, how to teach numbers 1 to 10 for kindergarten, number recognition games for kids @momovators

You can ask the child to join the numbers 1 to 10 in a puzzle. There are many number puzzle worksheets that help to learn the numbers

  • Snake and ladder game
You can teach number recognition using the snake and ladder game method. This method helps in number recognition, number counting, sequential number, forward and backward counting. It is one of the easy and effective methods to teach the number.


Which is the right age to introduce the numbers?

You can introduce the number at the age of 2. You can introduce the number counting from 1 to 5 at the age of 2. 

You can introduce the number counting from 1 to 10 and number recognition from 1 to 5 at the age of 3.


You can introduce the number counting from 1 to 20 and number recognition from 1 to 10 at the age of 3 to 4.


You can introduce the number counting from 1 to 50 and number recognition from 1 to 20 at the age of 4 to 5 years.

You can also teach backward counting, skip counting from the age of 5. The missing number activities, puzzles, before the number, after number activities, helps to learn the number sequence.


Related Post: Click here to download free number 1 to 10 tracing worksheets


Final Note

The three key points while teaching the number to kids is that sequence, number recognition, and consistent practice.  I hope the "tips to teach numbers 1 to 10" would assist you in teaching your kids. 'Momovators' is all about parenting, education, health, and fitness.

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